Jul 30·edited Jul 30Liked by Greta at Love Off Grid

I think there is a real possibility that you are my soul sister. (I was 'diagnosed' at 45 years of age and frankly, it was something of a relief). I dove down my first rabbit hole in my 20's and came out the other side not unscathed and somewhat disillusioned at people's inability to see what I see. But I digress...

I admit I didn't notice the similarity until you pointed it out but I also never saw that picture from that angle. I CAN say I don't believe for one second that the entire thing wasn't staged. I've noticed lately that if something I see on media doesn't elicit an emotional response, it's likely fake news.

I just found your YouTube channel yesterday and not only are you living in almost the exact area we're looking at property, but your attitudes about off-grid living mirror my own. I'm telling you, we were separated at birth! I think you must have more optimism than I do, though. Losing my house the way you did would have thrown me into the worst kind of depression.

Anyway, so happy to have found you!

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What a nice comment! Thank you for taking the time to write. I love your handle, BTW. :-)

Going down those rabbit holes can lead to feelings of alienation when other people don't see what you see (and don't want to see it). I think autism has actually helped me in that regard. My perception of the world and people has always been a bit different from most other people's perceptions so it's my "normal". On the plus side, I have a pretty good track record of calling out what people are about to do before they do it. That can be useful, at least to me. :-) On the negative side, those predictions are rarely positive. I think I know how you feel.

It's interesting that you DO NOT have an emotional response to news that is directly engineered to provoke an emotional response! I feel that, too. To me, it feels immediately like manipulation (the bad over-acting immediately followed by an obvious agenda). While I don't feel emotional, I do get a sick feeling in my gut. I rarely pay attention to news as a result. It literally makes me sick.

Regarding this region, are you familiar with Joel Skousen? He wrote Strategic Relocation. You might find his research interesting.

Thanks for reading here and for watching my YT channel. I hope we can provide a preview of the challenges in this area - and the beauty - to help you make a decision. Ask anything. ~G

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I frankly am startled by the negative and threatening comments by the right wing when any of us commented on this. Quite a few friends have been vicious and defensive about comments. I truly realized that it was too close for a staged shoot, but that thought immediately came to mind…and many others had the same thought. This country is so divided, and it affects relationships!

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Jul 24Liked by Greta at Love Off Grid

While not being on the spectrum, I am, by nature, a very curious old woman, and have for many years, or at least since the internet, done my own research on things that make you go...hmm.

Thanks to your insightful article, I've got some new arrows in my quiver of things to watch for!

Blessings, from Alberta, Canada 🇨🇦

And WHY does The Donald INSIST on wearing that ludicrously HUGE bandage on his ear, for such a small wound? I'm guessing he's playing for the SYMPATHY vote. Sorry/not sorry 😬 for what I'm about to say, but...someone ought to tell him that sympathy is in the dictionary, between shit and syphilis.

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You might enjoy some of Ole Dammegard’s work. I think he’s from the Netherlands now living in Spain.

I’m glad to hear about your curiosity! Curiosity is the #1 marker for intelligence. 😊

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Jul 24Liked by Greta at Love Off Grid

Thanks! I'll check him out. Isn't migration, in all its many forms, a beautiful thing? Here's a man, with a Scandinavian name, from the Netherlands, now possibly living in Spain. 3 cheers for having the ability to move in freedom!

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It is wonderful to move by choice. I think Ole may have moved because he said too much in Denmark. :-(

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I had the exact same thought when I saw the pictures and footage. Immediately…. Thank you for giving voice to my thoughts!

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So it isn’t just me?! Good to know! Thanks 😊

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Jul 23Liked by Greta at Love Off Grid

This is a fabulous read! I too am unique as is my husband and boy oh boy did we create one unique 35 year old!

Both my males are high functioning autistic and I would jest that I was high functioning special needs but behind closed doors we used a different word. Not to be disrespectful but having special need friends we all agreed to call it what it is.

Anyhooo didn’t mean to go off on a me story just wanted to say I love your view and think you are one interesting human!

God bless you

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Thank you so much! I appreciate hearing your POV. 😊

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