Great work, Greta. It's as if most adults also still believed in Santa Claus, and we are simply telling them that no, he doesn't really exist. Just as with some children, it really breaks their brains. They react by clinging ever stronger to the belief 'Santa' exists, ie the jabs are for health. I know iit's ridiculously more serious than that, but we are challenging core fallacies just the same. What I don't get is how readily folks do not see their families and friends becoming sick and dying after jabs, never mind the athletes and celebrities dropping dead. I have been using the phrase 'How many safe and effective funerals have you attended? because it uses their own language to tell the truth. -Best

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“Breaks their brains”… yes. But so much of their response has nothing to do with the brain. It’s totally reflex - gut reaction - the fear kicks in and then the defensiveness. There’s nowhere to go once you hit that wall.

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You know you write some good shit.. LOL ..I always feels you are writing to me. I loved this ! This was good for me to read, especially today.

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Hahaha!!! 🤣 it’s a shared experience, for sure!

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It was great that you directly addressed that unfriendly woman. It was probably a new experience for her to be held accountable.

Many workplaces have become intolerable because of the absolute disrespect shown by employers for their employees. Hopefully there will be more opportunity for people to walk away from them as well. I recently spoke to a woman who realized that she had nothing in common with 'friends' she spent time with at her prior workplace, and didn't keep up with a single one of them after she left.

Some relationships are based on charity. Not very many are true friendships, because those have to be built on mutual respect.

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Well said.

That mirrors our experience. I haven't kept up with one person with whom I used to work. John worked with the same people for 23 years and since he left, only one still keeps in touch and that's rare.

Mutual respect is key, as is withdrawing our consent by refusing to have relationships with these nuts.

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I just dropped a bit of medical information into a family debate which contains some very misguided individuals, and it has gone silent. I try to remember that so much of the craziness results from misinformation that feeds delusional thinking as well as conflicts. The average person likely lacks the skills to punch through the search engine algorithms which influence what they see.

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I would say they lack the motivation to punch through - not the skills. If they were searching for discounted Taylor Swift tickets, I'll bet they'd punch through! haha

I like the quote by Upton Sinclair, "It is difficult to get a man to understand something, when his salary depends on his not understanding it.”

I think they know that finding Truth would obligate them to take action, so they won't look at it. They think that their ignorance of the Truth will serve as their defense, in the end, so they cling to that willful ignorance. It's a coward's path.

The hero dies but once, the coward a thousand times...I'm paraphrasing another great quote I'm being too lazy to look up. :-)

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"I think too many of us have gone along with too much for too long in silence and, as a result, our country is unrecognizable."


The whole world, Greta! I also blame myself for being quiet for the last ... Well even the last 20 years.

Like the other commenter, I feel like you're speaking directly to me.

Blessings upon you, keep up the great work! 💞🙏🏻💞

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Thank you for being here... from Canada! All we can do now is start speaking up. I'd like to think it's never too late.

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Amen to that!

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The forced vaccination was about total forfeiture of bodily sovereignty - at a global scale. Well, only for people of The West. What these people did is they sided with power. They are really small people with tremendous cowardice. They should be afraid of this power structure, deeply afraid. Of course it is the level of justified fear that one stands in confrontation to that determines ones level of courage.

What you are on to here is that these people were imposing the costs of The Regime onto everyone. They were the enforcers of The Regime. Without them The Regime cannot control all of us. The Regime promises them a petty form of power and refuge from its force. What they are doing is using shame backed by the full force of The Regime. You have begun the necessary process that is part of our way out of this. The cost that we can impose for now, having no institutional power, is to ostracize and shun them - in a polite way that is dignified and strong.

Good for you. This is the beginning of digging our way out of it. Impose some social cost.

ON this subject, I think you can also dial up the shaming mechanism. This case is particularly relevant. This person has adopted The Regime's orthodoxy/religion completely. They show fealty to opening up to the brown (non-White) others. At the same time, they are viciously attacking their own countrymen who will not forfeit bodily sovereignty.

This is best embodied by The Regime in the form of Carol Baker. I have post on this that you may find useful. In it, she proposes, "getting rid of all the white people", who will not take vaccines. This was years before Covid. So, they were rehearsing this. She also holds up Hispanics as ideal because they willingly take any of the vaccines they are, "offered." I wonder if this acquaintance really has the same feeling. I wonder if she would take in a brown person and use her own resources to feed, clothe and care for them rather than our resources.

Perhaps seeing the Carol Baker video might dial up the shaming with some polite "did you know about this?" and "do you agree with this? is this why you like the brown people so much?" kind of questoning. Here is the original post with Carol Baker's stunning admission that she and The Regime are pure evil.


It is time to bring shaming and ostracization back.

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Indeed, the enforcers of the Regime, or what Mark Passio calls the Order Followers, are the collective hand of tyranny. I think by withdrawing my friendship, I did impose some social cost and it felt right and good to do it. You are right - more of us need to withdraw our company more often - from friends, from woke workplaces, etc.

If I wanted to continue the conversation with her, I might ask her about Carol Baker or some such person, as you suggest, but I have no interest in continuing any fruitless attempt at conversation. Like most introverts, my energy is very limited and I try to use it where it will matter. :-)

Meanwhile, I really appreciate your thoughtful comment and I'll read your post.

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Thank you for such a well written article. Keep up the good work!

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Thank you and thanks for being here!

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Greta, crazy how this thing works sometimes your scrolling along reading and then wamo something pops up that stikes a cord. A real joy to read your article couldn't have said it better myself. I think a lot of people have had this same experience. Stand your ground is my moto, I pleaded with them all not to take it from the git-go, but no they new better. Well not that we haven't known for a while, but there about to find out now aren't they. Anyway enjoyed the writing. Were in Alaska and find and use Chaga all the time, stuff is awesome. Cheers

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Thanks for your comment! It seems most people will go along with anything the talking box tells them, meanwhile discounting information from people who actually care for them. Madness!

I'm not sure what they'll "find out" - the interwebs give us so much contradictory information. Anyone can find "an official study" to support any belief they have. People find the information they're looking for - information that makes them feel good.

At some point, you have to let go and walk away. Cheers to you, too! Stay warm.

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