Outstanding. I have been trying (unsuccessfully) to make people understand that there is no us and them, no red and blue, no liberal and conservative, etc. They are all the same thing, dressed a little differently to make us think there's a difference. They've been 'telling' us for decades what the plans are, by putting out blockbuster movies that show what they can (and plan to) do. To quote one of those movies "The only way to win is not to play"
That is where I've decided to stop. I'm not going to play anymore. I won't pretend that my voice makes a difference, or that I can get people to listen. The need to get out of debt is driving us out of the home we thought was our last, and while the excitement of trying again in a totally different climate off grid and far away from the masses is appealing, I don't know if I have the energy and youth to start all over from scratch. We shall see.
It’s a sad feeling, knowing so many people will not listen. Makes you feel like the mythological character, Cassandra, cursed with seeing the future but having no one believe her.
If you know anything about Narcissism, the same truth holds: the only way to win is not to play.
The hook is the drama: What will happen next? People have to see around the corner. The suspense is too much to withstand. The pro is, there is never a conclusion. The drama is never ending.
If you really want peace, Walking away is the only way. Be like Lot and don’t look back.
Yep, you hit the nail on the head with that one. Learn to live without a cell phone and you may be able to remain independent for some time. But that’s easier said than done, these days.
I lived with a flip phone for many years but finally had to upgrade because my flip couldn’t get a signal way out here. It was a safety issue between me & John.
I think remembering that the tech works for you, not the other way around, is key. People are losing basic skills because they trust their tech unconditionally. Head slapping.
Yes, my flip phone was 3G and they stopped supporting it so I got a smart phone for work. Did not want to but sometimes it’s necessary. But smart phones are the way they will bring in social credit scoring, UBI, and all other monitoring. If we all gave up our smart phones, they could not implement their plans to control us. But I don’t see that happening, somehow…
In a way, the Covid scam was a blessing. I think a lot of people started seeing behind the curtain - not enough people, but more people than before. If nothing else, they saw how quickly govt will enact extreme measures and how willingly most fall in line, unquestioningly.
I always enjoy your articles LOG. I saw this morning the next part of the op. A Republican from Kentucky seems to have taken a ticket. He is holding hearings for the three obscure individuals responsible for hiding Biden's condition and covering for him so nobody else knew. The gall of those 3 (all white Gentiles BTW), to do this to our sincere and caring ruling regime.
I take one issue with your claim that what they are doing isn't on the media. I think the media is announcing very clearly what else is in store in the future. Biden's black suit is the only blackout they show everywhere. We all know how rare it is to see members of the still but barely majority in imagery and how in historical re-enactments who is written and who is erased or recast as a villain ever increasingly. Part of Agenda 21 is to see a certain kind gone.
Thanks, I looked into this and found Beshear being interviewed, adamantly denying that he’ll be running - which means he probably is. Just watched an interview with he & his wife from 2017 before he was KY gov and, yes, I’d agree he could be up. They seem “right for it”.
Outstanding. I have been trying (unsuccessfully) to make people understand that there is no us and them, no red and blue, no liberal and conservative, etc. They are all the same thing, dressed a little differently to make us think there's a difference. They've been 'telling' us for decades what the plans are, by putting out blockbuster movies that show what they can (and plan to) do. To quote one of those movies "The only way to win is not to play"
That is where I've decided to stop. I'm not going to play anymore. I won't pretend that my voice makes a difference, or that I can get people to listen. The need to get out of debt is driving us out of the home we thought was our last, and while the excitement of trying again in a totally different climate off grid and far away from the masses is appealing, I don't know if I have the energy and youth to start all over from scratch. We shall see.
It’s a sad feeling, knowing so many people will not listen. Makes you feel like the mythological character, Cassandra, cursed with seeing the future but having no one believe her.
If you know anything about Narcissism, the same truth holds: the only way to win is not to play.
The hook is the drama: What will happen next? People have to see around the corner. The suspense is too much to withstand. The pro is, there is never a conclusion. The drama is never ending.
If you really want peace, Walking away is the only way. Be like Lot and don’t look back.
Yep, you hit the nail on the head with that one. Learn to live without a cell phone and you may be able to remain independent for some time. But that’s easier said than done, these days.
I lived with a flip phone for many years but finally had to upgrade because my flip couldn’t get a signal way out here. It was a safety issue between me & John.
I think remembering that the tech works for you, not the other way around, is key. People are losing basic skills because they trust their tech unconditionally. Head slapping.
Yes, my flip phone was 3G and they stopped supporting it so I got a smart phone for work. Did not want to but sometimes it’s necessary. But smart phones are the way they will bring in social credit scoring, UBI, and all other monitoring. If we all gave up our smart phones, they could not implement their plans to control us. But I don’t see that happening, somehow…
I totally agree that the phone is a tool in a greater plan. It's no coincidence that the symbol is an apple with a bite taken out.
I always thought that was just innocuously cheeky, until Covid hit and I started seeing what was going on. Now it’s taken on an entirely new meaning…
In a way, the Covid scam was a blessing. I think a lot of people started seeing behind the curtain - not enough people, but more people than before. If nothing else, they saw how quickly govt will enact extreme measures and how willingly most fall in line, unquestioningly.
we already there, bud. Already there.
Yes, we are. Sadly, you are correct.
I always enjoy your articles LOG. I saw this morning the next part of the op. A Republican from Kentucky seems to have taken a ticket. He is holding hearings for the three obscure individuals responsible for hiding Biden's condition and covering for him so nobody else knew. The gall of those 3 (all white Gentiles BTW), to do this to our sincere and caring ruling regime.
I take one issue with your claim that what they are doing isn't on the media. I think the media is announcing very clearly what else is in store in the future. Biden's black suit is the only blackout they show everywhere. We all know how rare it is to see members of the still but barely majority in imagery and how in historical re-enactments who is written and who is erased or recast as a villain ever increasingly. Part of Agenda 21 is to see a certain kind gone.
Thanks, I looked into this and found Beshear being interviewed, adamantly denying that he’ll be running - which means he probably is. Just watched an interview with he & his wife from 2017 before he was KY gov and, yes, I’d agree he could be up. They seem “right for it”.
Thanks for being here.