I think a lot of people are not going to like this one, but it needs to be said. Hopefully, enough of my readers already view news with critical discernment, nevertheless, on this particular topic some people get highly emotional and respond viscerally rather than logically.
Nevertheless, here goes. We’ll start with Ukraine…
I wonder at the Americans who continue to support Ukraine. After having had many months to investigate their current hero, most have failed to do so. Most likely, they just don’t care to do so. The media has handed them a plot, a narrative and a hero and they have eaten it up, per usual.
Their willful ignorance is yet a symptom of the state in which we find ourselves - pursuing yet another war, sacrificing our country’s resources (living and otherwise) to “defend” a nation most US citizens can’t even locate on a map.
In case Zelenskyy’s appearance being applauded by our Congress while wearing his trademark sweatshirt to beg for more billions wasn’t enough to give you pause, here’s a brief look at his past in pictures. I won’t force you to witness Volodymyr playing the piano with his penis via video, but it happened. And then the Ukrainians “elected” him their president. Because that’s organic, right?
Maybe they were just so used to watching him pretend to be their president on the sitcom he starred in, they got confused.
Other than simply being bad theatre, a more likely explanation is that Volodymyr’s handlers (like Victoria Nuland) decided he could play the perfect willing dupe for the strategy they’d enact behind the scenes - a strategy that is unfolding before our eyes… a strategy that involves Israel.
Let me first say that I don’t have any concrete answers to the confusion that is world events. If I can offer anything, it’s more questions. That, and I’m good at smelling a rat. Not that you need to have experience raising teenagers to spot a lie, but it’s good training. In short order you learn:
When a story doesn’t make sense, it’s a lie. It really is that simple. Teenagers, co-workers, friends, governments - this rule applies across the board.
While I used to dive deeply into the who, what and why of current events, I haven’t done that in a long time. Beyond a certain point, you’re just measuring the devil’s tail.
These days, I garden.
Once you discover the plethora of lies that prop up our entire society, there is really nothing more to do but remove yourself. Remove yourself as far from the lies as humanly possible, try your best to reveal the insanity to others, and cease complying.
Tyranny ends when enough of us stop cooperating with it.
That said, let’s look at this Ukraine business and how it might possibly relate to Israel.
To be perfectly honest, I don’t want to write about this topic. The news media, as well as our government - for reasons obvious to some - defend Israel at all costs and have taught their loyal followers to do the same. Most Christian churches are equally complicit, without ever asking the important questions like, Why do so many groups have an issue with Israel? To ask such a question, apparently, is akin to being a holocaust denier or an “anti-Semite”.
Accusatorily labelling someone serves as a pretty convenient trick to shut people up. It’s a tactic narcissists use, too, by the way.
If you’re open-minded enough to have read this far, good job fighting the brainwashing. Let’s keep going.
If you’ve only seen the news media version of the Israeli-Palestinian situation, it would do you well to hear the other side. Geopolitical Economy Report just did a fantastic job of describing the situation from a perspective few hear. I won’t be offended if you take a break from reading and watch the video right now.
It probably won’t be on YouTube very much longer.
In the video, he describes the horrific conditions in which Palestinians are “kept”. They have been forced into an ever shrinking walled and fenced area where every facet of their lives is surveilled and controlled. Theirs is a concentrated area that serves as an open-air prison (you know - like a concentration camp). Gradually, more countries around the world are admitting, finally, that keeping people in a pen like animals is wrong. Imagine that.
Some in the US have even admitted it.
In August 2012, a paper was published in the Foreign Policy Journal entitled “America Preparing for a Post-Israel Middle East?” In it, the authors declared Israel to be the greatest threat to US national interests, preventing the US from establishing normal relations with Arab and Muslim nations. The paper, which was produced as a result of a study commissioned by the US National Intelligence Community, went on to compare Israel to apartheid South Africa, given Israel’s history of discrimination and violence against Palestinians in the territory Israel illegally occupies.
Yet another paper from November 2020 published in Foreign Policy entitled “Israel in the Middle East, the Next Two Decades” echoes the sentiment.
The paper states on page 27, “A reluctant United States looks to lessen its commitments in the Middle East and its domestic support for Israel, while still strong, is undergoing fundamental changes.”
And on page 28, “Moreover, most Democrats agree on the need to shift the focus of American foreign policy from counterterrorism, the Middle East, and Afghanistan to Russia and China. Attitudes toward the region will likely vacillate between administrations in the coming decades, but the bedrock of support for Middle East involvement has waned considerably among the American public across party lines. This trend will likely not be reversed short of a major, galvanizing event such as a direct attack on Americans or American territory.”
That last part is certainly alarming.
If you’d like to read the entire paper referenced above, let me know. I can no longer find it online to provide a link, but I did save a pdf.
In short, both papers concluded that decreasing ties with Israel would be in the United State’s best long-term interest. The suggested shift in US policy is extreme.
Despite what we’re hearing government officials say at Press Conferences today, this sentiment is still very much alive in the background.
Coincidentally, about the time that first paper came out, Israeli officials began seriously courting China, perhaps in an effort to brace themselves for the impending loss of their most important ally (and the 3.8 billion in US dollars our government showers on Israel annually, as a matter of course).
Likewise, Israel began cozying up to Russia in a similar fashion. “There’s never been a time when the ties were so close,” Chabad Rabbi Berel Lazar told The Times of Israel in 2016. The same article claimed that Moscow and Israel, both having been “snubbed by the world”, were naturally moving closer to one another.
In the article, Rabbi Berel Lazar states, “In past years, Israel was much closer to the US than to Russia, but that was when America listened to Israel more. And today when America is not listening to Israel and is not realistic about the problems Israel is facing, I think that Israel has all the right to turn to other countries, find more friends and supporters, including Russia.”
So, Israel seems to be hedging their bets and sidling East.
Now, back to Ukraine. Here’s where the relationship between Ukraine and Israel really gets interesting:
In a 1994 speech published in the Vologda newspaper Slavyanin, Chabad leader, Messiah Menachem Mendel Schneerson, outlined his plans for destroying Ukraine and Russia.
Schneerson stated, "Slavs, and among them Russians - are the most unbending people in the world. Slavs are unbending as a result of their psychological and intellectual abilities, created by many generations of ancestors. It is impossible to alter these genes. Slav, Russian, can be destroyed, but never conquered. That is why this seed is subject to liquidation, and, at first, a sharp reduction in their numbers.
"First of all, we will divide the Slavic nations (of 300 million, half of them Russians) into the small countries with weak and severed connections. For this, we will use our old method: Divide and conquer. We will try to pit these countries against each other, and suck them into civil wars for the sake of mutual destruction.
"The Ukrainians would think that they are fighting against the expansionist Russia and struggling for their independence. They will think that they have finally gained their freedom, while they become fully subdued by us.
The same will be thought by Russians, as though they defend their national interests to return their lands, "illegally" taken away from them, and so on.
"Looking back in history, it must be admitted that these lands are the ancient ancestral lands of the Jewish Khazaria, that is Israel, captured by Kiev's Rus (the ancient state of Russia with the capital in Kiev) in the tenth century. The Slavs are temporary guests on these lands and are subject to eviction. We will return this territory, and build the Great Khazaria - the Jewish state - on these fertile lands the same way as, 50 years ago, we created Israel, squeezing the Palestinians out.
Israelis will partially relocate here, and we will drive Slavic cattle (meaning goy) out far to the north, beyond Moscow. There will be a small Northern Territory, a reservation with a compact population -- a reservation, like Indian reservations in America."
Recall that Schneerson said all of this in 1994 and here we are, nearly 30 years later, watching it unfold.
Meanwhile, Zelenskyy coincidentally compares Ukraine to Israel, saying his dream is to make Ukraine a “big Israel” (keep in mind that Zelenskyy, while Ukrainian, is first and foremost Jewish). While, in this comparison, Zelenskyy is talking about building a State that is superior to all others regarding security and surveillance technology, the idea of a “New Israel” is not new.
“Heavenly Jerusalem”, as it is called, is a project to create a Jewish state within Ukraine on the territories of its five southern regions: Odessa , Dnipropetrovsk , Zaporozhye , Kherson and Mykolaiv.
The same regions that are being systematically emptied as I write this…
I’m guessing you haven’t heard of this project. I don’t think we’re meant to - at least not yet.
According to Igor Berkut, the executive director of the project, the next five years is (Ukraine’s) destruction and fragmentation, and the next five years (after 2024), is reformatting.
In a 2017 television interview, Berkut stated, “Israel has many problems. One of the main ones is territory: 60% is desert, the cities are overcrowded, hot climate, there are serious environmental problems - Israel is lagging behind in cleansing the country (Yes, he actually said cleansing the country).
“The next problem is the State’s environment: 8.5 million Jews live in Israel (2017) and 100 million Arabs live around Israel… the situation could lead to aggression against Israel. This growing problem makes us reflect on the future of this country… in order to develop normally, Israel must find another territory for the next 200-300 years. This is where the concept of Heavenly Jerusalem or New Jerusalem comes in…”.
But why Ukraine?
In case you weren’t aware, the idea of a Jewish territory in Eastern Europe is not new. Called the Pale of Settlement, it was a vast area in the western region of the Russian Empire that existed from 1791 to 1917. During this time, Jews had “permanent” residency within a specified region including all of modern-day Belarus and Moldova, much of Lithuania, Ukraine and east-central Poland, as well as small parts of Latvia and what is now the western Russian Federation. That’s a massive area comprising about 20% of the territory of European Russia.
As you see, this “settlement area” existed way before WWII and transitioned with the Balfour Declaration in 1917 which opened up Palestine to Israel (as if it were Balfour’s to give). That situation, in itself, is worth researching.
Anyway, as Berkut states above, their current territory is no longer suitable. It “has problems” and they need to move.
To recap, I’m not saying this move will definitely happen, but it is being seriously discussed and funded so it’s something to watch closely.
For me, it answers the question of why the US keeps pouring money it doesn’t have into Ukraine. The US government has and will always continue to support Israel in every action it takes for as long as it can.
If Israel wants a new home, odds are the US government will pay for it - on credit and at the same time US citizens are losing their own homes.
It seems obvious to me this unstoppable trend of giving will continue until the US is drained of every dollar and resource it has. We’re watching that happen now.
Meanwhile, as the political winds shift so, too, will Israel’s parasitic alliances. As BRICS strengthens, Israel increasingly latches onto Russia and China as its new BFFs while the US, used up and depleted, blows away like a dried leaf.
Like most things, hindsight will reveal everything. Am I spot on or delusional? Time will tell.
For now, watching events unfold, it’s horrid that real people like you and me - like the real people in Ukraine, Israel, Russia and Palestine - are made victims to the egomaniacal drives of psychopaths who want to rule the world.
The matter becomes even worse when we get in line to do their dirty work for them.
Be on your guard against the scripted, dumbed-down, nonsensical narrative spun by the media. When they offer you a boogie-man to hate, look closer and ask questions.
The same goes for heroes.
Most importantly, don’t be bullied into silent compliance by a narrative you know is wrong. Our benchmark for truth should be higher than what’s trending on social media.
We’re called out to be lights in the world - lights that expose darkness.
“And this is the judgment: the light has come into the world, and people loved the darkness rather than the light because their works were evil. For everyone who does wicked things hates the light and does not come to the light, lest his works should be exposed. But whoever does what is true comes to the light, so that it may be clearly seen that his works have been carried out in God.”
John 3:19-21
Not too long ago, about 18 months or so, I was talking to a man I know who is a staunch Zionist. I have never heard him praise America or Gentiles and always heard him praise Israel and Jews. He was wearing a lapel pin with the Israel and American flag side-by-side. I had gone through my awakening and decided to ask him about his allegiance in what I hoped was a clever way.
I asked him what he thought of America's financial insolvency after he raised the need for more aid for Israel. He was shocked and wasn't aware of it. I asked him if as an American he was concerned about our bankruptcy and how lavishing billions in direct aid and hundreds of billions in military spending might imperil our country. He said we needed to protect the only democracy in the Middle East. I asked him why? He had no answer other than it was a democracy. I said that we care not for what form of government another country takes despite the propaganda and lies of our government. I offered as an example Saudi Arabia, a country of far more strategic importance to the US that has a despotic autocracy and who we are allied with. He had no answer for this.
I asked him if he was concerned about our fiscal insolvency again. He said we have to protect Israel. We were stuck in a loop. I asked him what will happen to Israel when the United States is bankrupt and it descends into a multi-racial chaos as decining multi-racial empires always do. He said, and I quote, "By then we, (Israel), will be much stronger and we will be great friends with China."
There you have it. I don't think, this person has malicious intentions for us and America. In fact I know he does not. He just doesn't care about us. He cares about his nation and their homeland. I set out that night to find out if there is such a thing as dual loyalty. I learned that there is only one loyalty. In fact there is that ancient wisdom about what happens when a man serves two masters.
We must operate with that knowledge and begin to act in accordance with it. Only our people, our nation, will look out for and protect our interest. Only our folk will be loyal to us, despite how many traitors of our own kind who currently live in our midst. I don't think they know they are traitors, for they have been bamboozled into thinking they are individuals living on a globe of fair minded individuals acting in good faith. It is up to us to show them that this is false, and to protect us and them from destruction and even annihilation by those who seek to use us as a pawn and a stepping stone for the attainment of their own ambitions. What a horrible viewpoint that man had about the slavs. It is truly remarkable to hold that kind of contempt for an entire race of people and to feel entitled to their lands.
Thank you for writing this article and sharing it. We must understand that it is okay for us to take our own side and defend our lands and our interests, in fact it is essential for our survival. It is a hostile world and we must defend against it with strength, wisdom and self love. Best of luck living and loving off grid.
Saying a rosary for peace this morning. May we see and walk in the light no matter what is cast on us.