In 2017, I made a mosaic tribute I called, “Cassandra”.
Cassandra was part of a pretty impressive Greek family. Her father was King Priam, her mother was Queen Hecuba of Troy and her brother was a hero in the Greek-Trojan war. Think of the pressure…
The Greek god Apollo was pretty hot for Cassandra and, in an effort to win her over, he offered her the power of prognostication. Of course, nothing is free… she agreed to sleep with him in exchange for his “gift”.
Sure enough, Apollo granted her the favor but, alas, Cassandra reneged on her promise to him. Furious and jilted, Apollo turned the blessing into a curse: He let Cassandra keep her talent for telling the future, but cursed her so that no one would ever believe her.
I’ve felt like Cassandra for many years now, and not because I renege on my promises. I relate to her because I have been talking to the wind, it seems, about so many things that are now coming to fruition: engineered food shortages, collapse of our fiat currency, engineered energy shortages, the futility of mask wearing, the dangerous “magic jab”... on and on. No one wants to hear it.
I don’t have a supernatural power of insight - I’m just willing to look at information and consider angles that a lot of people don’t want to see.
If you’re standing in the middle of a highway, would you rather be facing traffic or have your back to it?
If you can see the trouble coming, you stand a better chance of getting out of the way.
Or not. Your choice.
I hear the term “Going down the rabbit hole” used a lot, and it’s true. Once you pull a thread on that sweater, so many beliefs start to unravel. I think that’s what people are afraid of – having their world unravel. Well, ready or not...
It’s always better to jump than be pushed.
If you’ve been watching mainstream media and are surprised by the recent bank collapses, you’re listening to the wrong people. Time to broaden your scope of information. Pay attention. Use discernment and common sense.
Truth is not something one can impart to another. The truth cannot be told, only discovered. The Bible advises, “Seek, and ye shall find. Knock, and the door will be opened. Ask, and ye shall receive.”
While you can’t knock for someone else, you can leave a breadcrumb trail…
If the term Bail-In is foreign to you, please catch up. Time is short.
A Bail-In is when a failing bank uses investor’s money to get themselves out of trouble. In 2008 during the “Great Financial Crisis”, they used taxpayer money. Next time, they’ll use “investor’s money”. The investors in this case are not the rich, they’re you and me. When you deposit money into a bank account, you become an “investor”. When the bank fails, your investment fails.
If you don’t believe that can happen, talk to anyone from Cyprus. They were surprised when it happened to them, too.
This video Banks Can STEAL Your Money?! Here’s How! from Coin Bureau does a perfect and succinct job of explaining the very real risks of Bail-Ins.
Systemic Collapse
John Titus from Best Evidence is another knowledgeable source with regard to banking and finance. In the video link below, he breaks down the reasons behind the inevitable banking collapse. This particular video, which lays out in detail the reasons we’re beginning to witness a collapse, is from three weeks ago (Feb 15, 2023). He probably feels like Cassandra, too.
Why Is the Federal Reserve Provoking a Financial Crisis (John Titus, Best Evidence)
Prognostication or Common Sense?
As I mentioned earlier, none of what’s happening is a huge surprise to anyone who looks at the bigger picture. Rarely do any “crises” happen organically nowadays.
Even Covid was no surprise to anyone who watched the World Economic Forum’s “Event 201” tabletop exercise. There’s usually a tabletop exercise or a drill before the actual event… They tell you what they’re doing.
What’s the difference between a conspiracy theory and mainstream news?
About six months.
Problem - Reaction - Solution
If you want to be an all-powerful prognosticator - I can’t help you. But if you want to understand how events are related and where this train we’re on is headed, you have to get curious.
A good place to start is by looking into the great reporting Rosa Koire did on the Green Agenda and Agenda 21. Listen to Patrick Wood discuss Technocracy. Look for information and interviews that aren’t sensational but are backed by evidence, official reports (often buried), and a lot of dry graphs and charts.
Telling the future isn’t magical. It isn’t sparkly or even fun. Most of the time it’s lonely; people will think you’re nuts and you’ll lose a lot of friends. The up-side is that you’ll know what’s happening which will allow you to respond rather than react. You’ll be able to plot your own course instead of being led around by the nose.
And when all your Cassandra-ish prognostications become undeniable to everyone who wouldn’t listen to you, you can finally sing this extremely catchy song:
My Romanian/French Canad/Ojibwe?? roots keep me fairly well informed about dangers I am facing. I swear my very cells kept me away from the jabs, (shouting No NO nO) and some extra warnings from a Dr. Bhakti early on cemented my intuitions. The same roots have led me to be an herbalist and brewer. I owe alot to those roots fe sure, everything! Best and thanks Greta. ps Love the Cassandra piece, its fantastic, wish I could see it with some light behind, will use my 'magination.
Well said as always!
It’s funny, I’m writing a short post about how I like to keep my head firmly jammed in the sand. (I have a terrible, ‘ignorance is bliss’ approach sometimes) However I like reading about things from your perspective.